greetings from melb!!
just back from mel's place which was like a palace (dinah we still love your quaint harry potter 157!)
it's freezing down here but i'm loving itttt i was so amazed that this is the normal temperature and when it gets too cold i feel like asking someone to turn off the a/c but i need to remind myself many times that there is no remote control
shopping has been totally awesome the clothes here are the best!!
and aussie girls are totally prettayeee it's so funny when you're just trying to buy a top and the salesperson will be chitchatting with you. i can't remember the last time a salesperson in singapore asked me about my day and was actually interested to listen, comment and continue with the conversation as though you're really friends..or told me the top looks cute on me (they're just trying to make sales i know but still. the salespeople in sg will just roll their eyes if you hand them a stack of ten items and only end up buying one)
and the guys are very friendly when they're high randomly stealing your serviettes to make a hat on their friend's head / knocking knuckles at casinos or the chinese restaurant
there's so much graffiti here and the trams travel on the same road as cars and pedestrians!
everybody is well dressed and happy. love it!!
we'll be going thrifting and museums and more more more fooddddd <3
srsly wish i was studying abroad instead of stuffy sg.
funnnnnnnnn (: (:
dinah's out of the shower tata!